Your resource for all of the practical steps and deadlines you will need to know.

Sometimes all of the tasks involved in college apps can be overwhelming. Here's a simplified framework that students and parents can use as a starting point for their individual college application journeys. This application plan mostly omits specific dates, but it's best to begin Step 1 in the first or second semester of your Junior year, and Steps 9 and 10 according to individual college deadlines.
Step 1: Resume
One of the first steps for your college application action plan will be to create a resume.
In this resume, you will need to collect all the extracurricular activities you have engaged in through high school and write a brief (~3 sentences) summary for each.
These activities can include sports, academic, volunteer experiences, internships, etc.
This should be completed in the second semester of junior year or the summer between junior and senior years.
Step 2: Assess Standardized Test Requirements
Figure out what your English and Standardized Test Requirements are.
You should have taken at least one SAT or ACT test by the end of junior year.
Some students may be exempt from TOEFL testing, but most will not be. Make sure that you have registered to take the TOEFL, or confirm that you certainly won’t need it.
Register for any additional SATs, or SAT IIs that you plan to take and ensure that you are scheduled to take them before December of your Senior Year.
Step 3: Organize College List
Meet with your counsellor to establish your application types (Early Action, Early Decision, Regular Decision, etc) for your schools and organize your college list according the your deadlines
Step 4: Recommendations
With all the things you have to think about, it can be easy to forget to request recommendation letters. Don’t forget this step! Your teachers are busy too and you must remember to give them enough time to write you good references.
Request 2 - 3 recommendation letters in total. (Most schools will only require 1 or 2, but having 3 can give you added flexibility for your applications).
Please request these letters (either in person or via email) before October 1st. It is generally polite to give your recommenders at least 3 weeks to write you a letter.
When requesting recommendation letters, consider how each recommender will add to your application. For example, a sports coach will write a very different letter than your chemistry teacher would.
Select recommenders who will help to show different aspects of your personality so that your application will be well-rounded.
Step 5: Work on your Main Essays
Main Essays are divided into:
Common Application Essay
Coalition Essay
University of California Essays
These will be a priority for many students. Work closely with your college counsellor to outline and draft your essays.
This process will involve multiple drafts.
This is a great chance for you to think deeply about yourself and what you want to do in the future. It’s an exciting process of self-discovery!
Step 6: Complete Supplemental Applications
As your deadlines approach, we will prioritize the supplemental essays according to each upcoming deadline.
Stay focused! This is the point where many students tend to lose focus and get overwhelmed. Stick to a schedule and don’t allow your supplemental essays to snowball. Keep working on them consistently and work with your mentors for feedback.
Step 7: Double-check your Applications
Always double-check applications and request one of your college counsellors to help you make sure everything is in order before you submit your apps.
It can also help to have a college counselor or teacher look over your application at this stage.
When you send out an application, you will receive an email from universities to confirm your application. Sometimes these emails will contain additional information for the next steps to complete for your application. Don’t ignore these emails!
Once you're sure that everything is as you want it to be, you may submit applications.
Step 8: Check your Email
When you send out an application, you will receive an email from universities to confirm your application. Sometimes these emails will contain additional information for the next steps to complete for your application. Don’t ignore these emails!
Step 9: Send Out Official Transcripts and Scores
Never forget to request official transcripts and scores to be delivered from your high school and the appropriate testing centers.
Transcripts can be sent from your school.
SATs can be sent through College Board.
TOEFL and IELTS can be sent through the testing organization you used.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help for any of these steps.
Step 10: Communicate and Accept Offers
People in admissions offices want to help you. If you have any questions or if you are contacted by university representatives for more information or interview requests, make sure that you respond promptly (within 3 days). Keep checking your email during this period.
As you receive the good news from schools, don’t forget that once you have decided on a university, you will need to formally accept their offer!
Acceptance emails will list the next steps to accept admissions offers.
Once again, this list is only intended as a general guideline for international students and their parents to plan with. Do make sure to check the deadlines associated with your own personal plan as you move on with your own college application.